United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket roared off the pad with NASA’s
newest communications spacecraft, Tracking and Data Relay Satellite M (TDRS-M).
Liftoff took place at 8:29 a.m. EDT (12:29 GMT) Aug. 18, 2017.
The launch occurred
about 26 minutes into a 40-minute window due to an issue detected on the
vehicle’s Centaur upper stage engine, the RL10C. Thermal conditioning took a
bit longer than planned. The pre-chill eventually took place, clearing the way
for a successful liftoff and eventual satellite deployment.
NASA’s TDRS-M spacecraft
was rolled out to Canaveral’s Space Launch Complex 41 on Aug. 16, 2017. Photo
Credit: Mike Howard / SpaceFlight Insider
Weather for the launch
was nearly perfect. In the hours before liftoff, the 45th Weather Squadron had
predicted a 90 percent chance of favorable conditions. The only concern was the
potential for thick clouds. However, those never materialized. Additionally an
offshore anvil cloud stayed just far enough away to not be a problem.
Once the countdown finally reached zero,
the 191-foot (58-meter) tall Atlas V, which was in the 401 configuration
(four-meter fairing, zero solid rocket boosters, and a single engine Centaur
upper stage), rose into the Florida skies away from Space Launch Complex 41
atop a column of flame produced by the first stage’s RD-180 engine.
Just under 1.5 minutes
into flight, the vehicle passed Mach 1, the speed of sound. Some three minutes
later, the Common Core Booster first stage finished consuming its rocket grade
kerosene and liquid oxygen propellant. At 4 minutes, 8 seconds after leaving
Cape Canaveral, the booster separated with the upper stage and fell away.
About 10 seconds later,
the Centaur upper stage’s RL10C engine ignited to continue powering toward
orbit. Consuming liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, the engine burned for
almost 14 minutes before shutting down as planned. During that time, at 4
minutes, 26 seconds into flight, the payload fairing jettisoned, revealing
TDRS-M to the vacuum of space.
About 18 minutes after
launch, the Centaur upper stage with TDRS-M on top was in a parking orbit.
There, the duo coasted for about 90 minutes before the RL10C ignited again for
about a minute to place the satellite into a geostationary transfer orbit of
about 2,882 miles by 22,237 miles (4,638 kilometers by 35,787 kilometers)
inclined 26.2 degrees from the equator.
TDRS-M separated from
Centaur at about 1 hour, 53 minutes into flight. It will use its onboard
propellant to finish the job of circularizing its orbit into a geostationary
orbit where it will reside with nine other TDRS satellites, seven of which are
active. Two are in storage orbits.
The TDRS system is the set of
geostationary orbiting satellites NASA uses to communicate with its array of
low-Earth orbiting spacecraft, and with U.S. scientific facilities in
TDRSS is essential to
maintaining continuous communications with important NASA spacecraft, including
the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope. TDRS-M is the
latest addition to this constellation and completes the third generation of
TDRS satellites.
Photo Credit: Vikash
Mahadeo / SpaceFlight Insider
“ULA uses the TDRS
system as a primary means of receiving and distributing launch vehicle
telemetry data during every flight. In fact, the TDRS-K and TDRS-L spacecraft,
launched by ULA in 2013 and 2014 tracked today’s launch” said Laura Maginnis,
ULA vice president of Government Satellite Launch, in a news release. “We are
absolutely honored to have delivered this core NASA capability and critical
national resource for our country.”
The launch of TDRS-M was
delayed from Aug. 3, 2017, when a July accident during the satellite’s
check-out damaged the spacecraft’s Omni S-band antenna. Boeing, the
spacecraft’s manufacturer, replaced the antenna and resolved an unrelated
damage incident caused by static electricity discharge.
After the repairs, NASA
expected to launch on Aug. 20, but managed to get an earlier launch date of
Aug. 18 with a 40-minute window opening at 8:03 a.m. EDT (12:03 GMT).
The TDRS-M satellite was
encapsulated in its payload fairing and delivered to the Vertical Integration
Facility on Aug. 9. The Atlas V rocket was rolled out to its launch pad on
its Mobile Launch Platform on Aug. 16.
NASA has not yet begun
acquiring a fourth generation of TDRSS spacecraft, but is planning a test bed
satellite for laser communications for launch in 2019. The Laser Communication
Relay Demonstration will launch alongside other payloads on a host satellite
and will demonstrate the ability to relay a communications laser from a
spacecraft to a ground station. The satellite is being developed at Goddard
Space Flight Center, which also develops the TDRSS constellation.
Today’s flight was the
120th ULA mission and the 72nd Atlas V launch. In particular, it was the 37th
flight of the 401 configuration. This was the third TRDS satellite launched by
The next Atlas V launch
is currently targeting early September from Vandenberg Air Force Base. The
mission, NROL-42, will send a classified payload into orbit for the National
Reconnaissance Office. The rocket will fly in the 541 configuration, meaning it
will have a five-meter fairing, four solid rocket motors and a single engine
Centaur upper stage.